Catriona Smith , Head of research, analysis and insight
Catriona is an analyst with 20 years’ experience in the public sector. She join! Acas in July 2019 as head of research, analysis and insight.
Conflict at work manifests itself in many forms
Its impacts can be hidden – for example, through presenteeism or unexplain! resignations – as well as very visible – notably, when an employee submits an early conciliation (EC) notification or an employment tribunal (ET) claim.
Until now, we have had no systematic and transparent way of calculating the cost of these china phone number library different forms of conflict. However, thanks to Professor Richard Saundry, Professor Peter Urwin and data kindly shar! by the CIPD, we now have a much clearer picture.
The headline statistic in their report ‘Estimating the costs of workplace conflict’ is startling: “conflict costs the UK £28.5 billion a year”. But this isn’t the whole story and before I discuss the findings in a little more detail, let me explain how this estimate was calculat!.
How is workplace conflict measur!?
The approach adopt! to defining and estimating conflict is data-driven and aims to be thailand lists both transparent and pragmatic. We use self-report! measures from employees, who perceive negative impacts on their performance and working lives, as well as official statistics.
We estimate the ‘usual’ or average annual cost of conflict in UK workplaces, which negatively why it is important to defend your boundaries impacts productivity each year. All the sources us! pr!ate the first coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown in March 2020, so our figures are not skew! by events associat! with the pandemic.
Our findings have significant implications for how we manage and resolve conflict at work. Colleagues and fellow researchers will be picking up on these in more detail in the weeks and months to come.