Use holiday email marketing for good

Online shopping during the holidays breaks new records every year. That’s why you want to keep optimizing your holiday email marketing strategy. Of all the methods out there to corral online shoppers, email marketing is always reliable and effective.

In 2021, holiday shoppers broke records on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Retailers expect even higher consumer demand during the holidays in 2022. Not to mention Christmas and New Year’s are great sales periods.

Our of B2C email marketers found that

77% agree that their Black Friday emails produce a significant return on investment (ROI). The report surveyed businesses of all sizes from six B2C verticals.

With so much revenue in play and holiday email campaigns being such an effective driver of customers, it’s critical to optimize your holiday email strategy for all subscribers this season.

The only challenge here is that most businesses are  Colombia Business Email List adopting this strategy, and email inboxes overflow during the holidays, so how do you stand out?

Explore 14 ways to improve your holiday email campaigns and overall strategy to increase engagement, conversions, and the bottom line before the year ends.

Let’s dive in with some help from everyone’s favorite, hapless holiday hero, Clark Griswold.

1. Have a holiday-themed welcome series

Surprise new customers and subscribers this season with welcoming holiday emails.

When optimizing your email strategy for the holidays, your is one of your best ways to engage new customers and prospects and sustain that connection into the following year. 54% of email marketers identified it as the most engaging type of automation.

Since a welcome series sees  of any other marketing email, ensure you spruce yours up for the holidays.

If you can start teasing your holiday promotions UAE Cell Number early, do so to help motivate subscriptions. Include it in your call-to-action (CTA) on the subscriber sign-up form, add it as a banner on your website, or even .

With welcome emails playing such a hefty role in brands’ email ROI, ensure yours is fully up to snuff for the new subscriber opportunities just around the corner. This can mean things like including a free gift and injecting personality.

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