“Twenty countries raised the issue at the GAC

Tuesday’s General Affairs Council (GAC) gathering — traditionally Twenty countries raised the place where. EU ministers consider the agenda for European Council summits — was in wait-and-see mode for much of the morning, as ministers waited to hear news from Strasbourg. By lunchtime, officials were printing off copies of von der Leyen’s speech, before turning to the rule of law discussion.

BENELUX WANT MORE Twenty countries raised

Belgium spoke on behalf of its fellow Benelux countries — the Netherlands and Luxembourg — and demanded a stronger Commission response. “In our view, swift and decisive action is needed to deal with systemic threats to the rule of law in dataset several member states. Foreign Minister Sophie Wilmès said. “The launching of infringement procedures is in this case self-evident but insufficient. We therefore equally call upon the Commission to make use, when applicable, of the rule-of-law conditionality. Rrgulation at the earliest possible time and to seriously consider additional steps to address the inherent risks that the deterioration. Of the rule of law poses to future disbursements of funds.”


Speaking after the GAC, Dutch Foreign. Minister Ben Knapen said there had been “broad hong kong data support” in the room for the. Dutch initiative to raise the issue at the leaders’ level, Hans von der Burchard reports. But many countries stressed the importance of keeping dialogue open. . They want it discussed at EUCO. France and Germany were not amongst them,” said one diplomat.

DISSENTERS: While most countries intervened during Tuesday’s discussion. Poland, represented use various features on linkedin  by a deputy ambassador, got support from Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga. Playbook spotted Varga throughout the day with a camera crew capturing her every move as she swept through the building surrounded by her entourage.

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