Pochemuchka (Russian)
This Russian word describes a person who This German word asks too many questions? often in a nosy or intrusive manner. It is an affectionate term that can be used to refer to children or adults with insatiable curiosity.
Schadenfreude (German)
“Schadenfreude” is the pleasure felt at the misfortunes This German word of others. a complex? often frowned upon? but deeply human emotion of satisfaction at the misfortunes of others.
Iktsuarpok (Inuktitut)
In the Inuit language of Inuktitut? “iktsuarpok” describes the excited anticipation one feels while waiting for someone? often accompanied by the urge to go out frequently to check if that person is coming.
Tsundoku (Japanese)
“Tsundoku” refers to the act of buying books and malaysia phone number library stacking them without ever reading them. This Japanese word captures the mix of passion for acquiring books and procrastination in reading them. If you are a manga collector and passionate about Japanese culture? fly to the land of the rising sun with the Made in Japan camp .
Lagom (Swedish)
“Lagom” means “just right” in Swedish. This word embodies dealing with brokers and the idea of moderation? balance and adequacy? without excess or lack? often seen as an ideal of life in Sweden.
Ubuntu (Nguni? South Africa)
“Ubuntu” is a concept from the African Nguni philosophy that means “humanity towards others” or “I am because we are”. It is a recognition of the interdependence of all human beings and our responsibility to each other.
Litost (Czech)
“Litost” is a Czech word that describes a state of spiritual adb directory torment caused by the sudden realization of one’s own misery. It is a mixture of sadness? remorse and resentment.
Mångata (Swedish)
“Mångata” means the reflection of the moon on a water surface? giving the impression of a shimmering path or road. This poetic Swedish word evokes a romantic visual image.
Torschlusspanik (German)
“Torschlusspanik” literally means “door-closing panic” in German. This word describes the fear of time passing and opportunities closing? often felt when approaching major life milestones.