These sports are popular abroad, but little-known in France

As you may have noticed, the These sports are summer of 2024 is marked by many sporting events! Paris is hosting a major global event in July. But the world of sport is vast and diverse, going far beyond universally known disciplines such as football, basketball or tennis. Each country has its own sporting traditions, some more unusual than others… Here is These sports are a selection of 9 little-known sports that you won’t see in Paris this summer!

The pato (Argentina)

Pato, the quintessential Argentine sport, combines mexico phone number library elements of polo and basketball. It has been legally recognized as the country’s national sport since 1953. Two teams of four riders compete to score points by throwing a ball with handles (originally, a live duck was used, hence the name “Pato” meaning “duck” in Spanish) into baskets attached to posts. The sport is not only a demonstration of equestrian skills but also of strategy and coordination.

Lacrosse (Canada)
Lacrosse, often considered Canada’s national summer sport, has Indigenous origins and is one of the oldest organized sports in North America. The game is played with a small rubber ball and netted sticks, called crosses, which technological progress in the players use to catch, carry, and throw the ball into the opposing goal. Lacrosse is fast and physical, requiring great endurance and precise coordination. The sport is deeply rooted in Canadian culture and is celebrated for its historical legacy and contemporary popularity.

The Tejo (Colombia)

Tejo was declared a “national sport” by the Colombian adb directory Congress in 2000. Participants throw metal discs, called tejos, at a target filled with gunpowder, creating an explosion when they hit their target. The throw is very similar to that of our national petanque. Tejo is deeply rooted in Colombian culture and is played by people of all ages. It is not uncommon to find professional tejo teams even in small towns in Colombia, while its practice is confidential elsewhere, even in neighboring countries. It is therefore THE emblematic sport of the country.

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