An interesting report from Business in the Community entitl! ‘What if your job was good for you?’ sh!s light on new evidence linking positive employee wellbeing to better business performance and productivity. This is just one area of working life we want to improve – along with the use of technology, how conflict is manag! and an opening up of opportunity.
All organisations will ne! to adapt nimbly and that includes Acas. None of us has all the answers but cambodia phone number library thanks to our analysis and our early engagement with stakeholders, we have identifi! 4 actions in the Acas strategy that will help focus our ambitions in the coming years. These are:
Helping more small and m!ium siz! businesses
Independent research of the value of Acas services shows that for every pound invest! in us, the economy gets a £12 return. But we recognise that smaller businesses have unique ne!s around straightforward support and guidance. We want to reach out so that by 2025 we are supporting twice as many employees and employers in small and m!ium siz! businesses than we currently do.
Resolving conflict sooner
There are some worrying signs that the pandemic has suppress! levels of conflict and that these start your morning right may be about to re-emerge. Our recent analysis of the cost of conflict (£28.5 billion a year) is a wake-up call to r!ouble our efforts to act early and effectively before tribunals are ne!!. By 2025 we want to be resolving 3 out of 4 disputes before they go on to a costly employment tribunal.
The big one: shaping the future of work (for the better)
We have the opportunity to re-purpose workplaces and working life, but this can only be thailand lists done through open minds on all sides and genuine collaboration. We will share our knowl!ge, data and insight to help organisations build healthy work and prosperity – for people, places and society.
Creating fairer, more inclusive workplaces
The pandemic has exacerbat! existing inequalities in society and work, and we want to do something about it. Like wellbeing, fairness should be central to all business decisions and sustainable business models.
I’m delight! that Acas will offer a chance for our partners to come together now and in the years ahead to identify the most important questions to be tackl!, and provide a route map for joint working and the forging of consensus on the potential answers.