Sometimes hiring is more profitable than business

I never wanted to be a manager, but life literally pushed me in this direction. At the institute, I was put in a managerial position, at my first job I also immediately got into management, although there were many people there who had worked for a long time and were worthy of this place. After working for some time in the supermarket chain “Golden Apple” as an IT director, I really wanted to start my own business. It was very scary to give up all this business, it was very scary to let go of my permanent job, but sooner or later I had to come to this. I realized that all my life I wanted to become an entrepreneur, to try what it was like.

About motivation

I realized that I couldn’t sit on two chairs at once, I had to do something about it, I had to fully engage in the new business and work full time. Friends and relatives were not particularly enthusiastic about this, almost everyone tried to dissuade me. “Why do you need this?”, “Find a normal job and everything will be fine for you.”

When I started the rich people database business, it didn’t bring in much money net, at first it even brought in minuses, for a long time Sometimes hiring I earned about as much as I earned at my job, which I left. For some time I couldn’t even explain to myself why I was doing this. Here you can recall the film about D’Artagnan, when one of the Musketeers was asked: “Why are you fighting? And I fight because I fight…”

I had start-up capital

I had savings. This supported me, because by that time I had a family, I already had children. Therefore, it was not easy to go into freelancing. My wife supported me.

About hiring
When we were looking for our first workplace conflict: estimating the cost to employers employees, we stepped on every rake agb directory we could. The first five employees were an investment in invaluable experience. The employees did not justify their salaries, we had to pay Sometimes hiring them and manage them, they did not bring in money. We had to go through a lot of employees until I found those who started to bring benefits.


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