That being said, after 83 days, we must look at things in a cold light. The IDF is communicating around 3 war aims which are, in my opinion, unattainable:
The capture or death of Hamas’s top leaders
- including Yahia Sinouar and Mohammed Deif [ th
- e head of Hamas and the head of the group’s armed wing, respectively ]. Except that Israel doesn’t know exactly where they are, and the human costs of arresting them are completely disproportionate.
- The destruction of the tunnels. However, to measure their extent and their functioning, it would be necessary to send soldiers there. Given the losses that the Israeli army is suffering, I can poland phone number library hardly imagine them venturing there.
- The release of the hostages by force, which is a total fiasco. None have been released by the army. Worse, they die killed by it or under its bombs.
These unrealistic goals only serve the purpose of communication and justification for the continuation of the war. The desire of Benjamin Netanyahu, and of certain political groups, to reoccupy the Gaza Strip in order to re-establish colonies there is clear.
The withdrawal of the Israeli army and the Gaza settlements
2005 is a deep trauma for the Israeli right. Th the name given to the Israeli settlements in the southern Gaza Strip forcibly dismantled in 2005, editor’s note ] is a permanent feature of the settlers’ discourse.
It should be noted that under international law, the how and who can do this work Palestinian enclave has always been occupied territory, whether the IDF is inside or outside. It is clear that in the aftermath of October 7, many people thought about reinvesting it. Where I think we must avoid the conspiracy theories that would say that everything was orchestrated for this purpose is that we must measure the impact of Hamas’ attacks.
Benjamin Netanyahu has never been so criticized. 56% of Israelis want him to resign, more than 80% believe that this government is responsible for the attacks, in the sense that it failed to prevent them. ao lists This is a real slap in the face for this Prime Minister in power since 2009 who also himself organized the management policy of Gaza. His strategy was to make Hamas prosper there by letting funding flow in, in order to divide the Palestinian people. And to reinforce the idea that no Palestinian state could emerge from this division.