In the last elections, this anti-colonial left won more seats than the traditional left represented by the Labor Party, which until now has always been very powerful when the anti-colonialists have been influential, but more marginal. Despite everything, the Israeli left in general has never been so weak.
There are obviously misunderstandings. Since 2015, this Arab-Jewish left had a strategy that implied that the boycott of the Israeli elections was useless, as was the refusal of alliances with the Zionist left and center. The emphasis is on the fight against the extreme right and fascism by the broadest possible bloc.
We have seen this anti-colonial left negotiate with major
opposition leaders to try to barter support for a future government. The Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza have legitimately perceived this very badly, seeing Palestinian figures negotiating with Zionist leaders, including some who participated in military operations on Gaza, such as Benny Gantz, for example.
Regarding these military operations, today, more than 85% of the Gazan population has been displaced to the south of the enclave. Netanyahu no longer hides his desire to see them ” absorbed ” by other countries. This inevitably evokes the Nakba, the forced exodus of the Palestinians in 1948, and one might wonder whether it ever ended.
One important thing to keep in mind is that the Israeli army depends on a state that occupies and colonizes. Within this army, the ideas of colonization and occupation are therefore consubstantial and not circumstantial, that is to say, they do not stem from October 7. When the soldiers enter Gaza, the idea of occupying is prevalent. romania phone number library When we see them filming themselves raising an Israeli flag on the beach, it is very clear. This is not the attitude of an army in a counter-terrorism operation, but that of soldiers seeking to seize territory.
It is not for nothing that the Israeli right pushed Biden
from the beginning of the war to ask Egypt to open its border to welcome the Gazan population. It is the myth of a new Nakba. They dream of a new mass departure of Palestinians to seize the land, and that is precisely why the Palestinians are not leaving. They know too well that those who left were never able to return.
From their point of view, moreover, there is this persistent idea of a continuous Nakba, what is called the ongoing Nakba . The operations of the Israeli army are always accompanied by how to explore your integrated digital marketing calendar the forced displacement of Palestinians. Given that they have to justify this to the international community ao lists and to their Western allies, they cannot afford to displace thousands of people at a time without justification. So they do it little by little. I have observed in East Jerusalem and the West Bank places where this is happening village by village, house by house.
In Gaza, the idea of the blockade is to make life so hellish that people leave. And we too often forget that the apartheid situation in Israel means that the Israeli Arab population, too, does not have the same rights as others. 80% of the territory is inaccessible to them, for example, because the admissions committees of Jewish towns have the right to prevent a family from settling on the grounds that it is not Jewish. They must then settle elsewhere. When you look at this accumulation as a whole, the idea of a continuing Nakba is relevant.