In the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego? “mamihlapinatapai” describes the shared gaze between two people? each wishing the other would initiate an action that they both desire but neither dares to begin. It is a word deeply evocative of human connections and moments of shared desire.
Sisu (Finnish)
“Sisu” is a Finnish concept that encompasses determination? perseverance and courage in the face of adversity. It is an inner strength that allows one to overcome the most difficult challenges.
>Meraki (Greek)
“Meraki” means doing something with love? passion and great attention to detail? putting a part of yourself into what you do? whether it is cooking? gardening? or any other creative activity.
Kilig (Tagalog)
In the Tagalog language of the Philippines? “kilig” describes malta phone number library the feeling of excitement and butterflies in the stomach that one gets when seeing or thinking about someone they have romantic feelings for. It’s a word that perfectly captures romantic excitement.
>Uitwaaien (Dutch)
This Dutch term literally means “to take a breath of fresh air” or “to cool off in the open air”? to invigorate and relax.
>Gezelligheid (Dutch)
“Gezelligheid” is a Dutch concept that combines feelings of why can smart technology be conviviality? comfort? pleasure and social intimacy. It is a term that describes a warm and pleasant atmosphere? often shared with friends or family.
>Ya’aburnee (Arabic)
This Arabic word literally means “you bury me?” and expresses the desire for a loved one to live longer than oneself? as one could not bear to live without them. It is a poignant expression of deep love and devotion.
Sobremesa (Spanish)
In Spanish? “sobremesa” refers to the time spent at the table after the meal? chatting and enjoying each other’s company. It is an important social moment in Spanish culture? where conversation continues long after adb directory the food is consumed. A concept that you can experience during a language stay in Spain with VERDIÉ HELLO .
>Jayus (Indonesian)
“Jayus” is an Indonesian term for a joke that is so poorly told and so unfunny that it becomes funny. It is the kind of unintentional humor that makes people laugh precisely because it fails to be funny.