Subject line inspiration from 10 smart brands

After you’ve snagged that open, ensure your message is easy to understand. A found compelling evidence for this point as well, showing that emails written at a third-grade reading level have the highest response rate. While this is by no means a call to “dumb-down” your email correspondences, it does provide proof that simplified, informal copy has a 17% higher response rate than copy written at a high-school reading level.

Overall, it’s essential to keep it simple in email copywriting and most things in life. Establishing a single, clear-cut purpose for a targeted audience will give your email the power to increase open and click-through rates. (Remember: the Rule of One.)

Trimming your email copy to be as concise and engaging as possible provides higher response rates and allows readers more time to convert into customers. Writing plainly and directly also saves your readers’ brain power and clearly demonstrates the value your company provides. Save yourself time flipping through the thesaurus by simplifying your copy and seeing incredible results.

What’s next?

So you’ve simplified your email. What’s next?

First, you can use an email marketing service to optimize your email design. Whether you’re building your email from scratch or looking for an HTML email template that you can customize with a drag-and-drop editor, our team has your back regarding email marketing services, features, and solutions. We’ve got something for you, whatever your pricing level. Check out  to take your marketing automation workflows to the  Thailand Business Email List next level. Use Mailjet’s email editor functionality to superpower your email design.

Next, you can A/B test different versions of your email amongst segments of your contact list. Use a to keep track of email analytics. This way, you can measure your email’s performance and iterate on the more successful version.

Wrapping up

After all of your marketing efforts in crafting a conversion-driven e-commerce campaign, it would be a shame if it looked crappy in your reader’s inbox. If you want to ensure your email renders well across the board,  and get unlimited email, image, and spam testing! As always, our customer support is available to meet your email needs. Don’t guess with your emails: test!

This article was updated on September 9, 2022. It was first published in April of 2016.


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