What is customer journey mapping

Things to consider in a customer journey mapping tool

Before we dive into our tool recommendations, let’s talk about some things to consider when selecting a customer journey mapping tool.

Here are some key features your customer journey mapping tool should have:

  • No-code design: Unless your entire team is highly technical, we recommend going with a no-code, template-based map solution to make the tool more usable for your team.
  • Shareability: Make it easy to share your maps across teams so that all stakeholders can easily access and reference up-to-date maps.
  • Customer feedback data collection and analytics: Your map needs to be built on quantitative and qualitative data. It’s crucial that your tool has an analytics feature that will make your map more accurate based on real metrics.
  • Customer action tracking: Track your user’s actions from start to finish, so you can better understand their journey and can optimize their user experience.
  • Customer persona creation: Create personas based on customer data to help your teams understand the kind of people they will engage with on a day-to-day basis.

How do I create a customer journey map?

Before we dive into customer journey mapping tools, let’s see how you can create a customer journey map with just the tools you have on hand.

Excel spreadsheets, slide presentations, and design  Tanzania Business Email List   software give you the flexibility to design journey maps as you see fit. A journey mapping application simplifies the process, but it could also limit your options.

To create a customer journey map, you need to:

  1. Determine your objectives for the map.
  2. Profile your customer’s personas and define their goals.
  3. Make a list of all the customer touchpoints from start to finish.
  4. Identify the story you want your map to tell.
  5. Determine the resources you have and the ones you’ll need.
  6. Test out the customer journey yourself.
  7. Test and iterate as needed.

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Ready to get started? Here are a few DIY tools and templates you can use to build-your-own customer journey map:

  • Digital whiteboard options
  • Adobe’s customer journey mapping resources
  • Airtable’s customer journey mapping resources
  • Hubspot’s customer journey mapping resources
  • Salesforce’s customer journey mapping resources
  • Mailchimp’s customer journey mapping resources

We’ll go over these in more detail below.

Not quite ready to dive in on your own? Check out some templates we’ve compiled to help you get started:With the  more marketing teams are trading in the office conference room’s whiteboard and  UAE Cell Number vsticky notes for an online tool. Even if you are still working in an office setting, a digital whiteboard lets you share projects and save them as long as you want. No more snapping photos of the whiteboard so you can erase it before the next meeting.

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