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Living with your mom? Bye, relationships and career
Candidate of increased self Psychological Sciences
Founder of the Institute of Adaptive Intelligence
As we enter adulthood, separation from our parents is an important step in our development. It is a natural process of self-affirmation that allows us to gain independence and build healthy relationships.
What does it mean to “separate from parents”?
Hungarian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Margaret Mahler put forward the primary theory of separation: as soon as a child is psychologically separat from the influence of his parents, he becomes an independent and full-flg architect database person, capable of perceiving and loving his own “I”.
This happens throughout the entire period of growing up:
at the emotional level, if increased self childhood memories do not cause feelings of guilt or resentment and no one’s approval of one’s actions is requir;
in the form of self-sufficiency, when the ability to take care of oneself physically and financially independently of parents develops;
In a worldview, when there is already
one’s own picture of the increased self world, which may differ in many ways from the parent’s, but there is no ne to demonstrate it;
as self-confidence, because it is no longer scary to defend your point of view, there is no feeling of guilt when disagreeing with parents.
Ideally, the separation process how to explore your integrated digital marketing calendar should be complet by the age of 24-25. Many are afraid that in family relationships this means moving away from each other, but this is not true. If separation is done correctly, the relationship between generations will not afb directory deteriorate. They will only move from the “adult – child” plane to the “adult – adult” plane. Communication between self-sufficient individuals will begin, who are interest and happy to be with each other.