I will not forget that, on the metro this Saturday morning, November 5 at 8 a.m., I told myself that this time I was going to the Palais des Congrès, that this time it would happen, that this time all this work, these articles, these meetings, these interviews, all this light brought, would not have been in vain Palais des .
I will not forget a striking formula from the distribut program: “Psychoanalysts are the ophthalmologists of the gaze”, and I will bring it out to my doctor the next time I change my glasses to explain to him the schism according to Lacan: “Doctor, you study how we see, I study how we are look at”.
In this regard I Palais des will not forget
in his book Les fantômes du souvenir, was able to say in a touching (and touching…) way how his father, despite his ocular precision, had not been able to see that his son was following in his footsteps by repairing, like him, objects accurate clean numbers list from frist database that no longer work. A father who nevertheless took him very (too?) young to see Fellini’s La Strada for an experience that later became destiny.
I will not forget that, in how to create employee spotlights to boost sales and engagement? many clinical presentations, we always find at the root of the fixation of a gaze petrifying the life of the subject, the strike of a word – “Nazi”, “cretin”, “Jewish”, “like your father” – which will come to materialize the point from which the subject will be seen. Until the encounter with analysis.
This recurrence gives
in my opinion, another perspective for thinking about the consequences of this sentence from Lacan: “The first said decrees, legislates, aphorizes, is an oracle, it confers on the other its obscure authority” [1] .
There is therefore, beyond the czechia businesses directory Freudian articulation to the function of the voice, an acquaintance to be defin of the superego with the gaze, as Marie-Hélène Brousse said. Let us recall that Lacan not the two objects that made Kant admire: the starry sky above our heads and the voice of the law within.