Can I cancel my MEI at any time? Find out!

The Individual Microentrepreneur, also known as MEI, consists of the legal-business framework that allows the entrepreneur to formally take over his/her company and enjoy certain benefits, such as registration in the Simples Nacional tax registry.

If this is your case, know that everything must be done within the law to avoid legal problems. Want to know more about how to cancel your MEI the right way? It’s simple, just keep reading!

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Can I cancel the MEI at any time?

In Brazil, there are more than 10 qatar whatsapp number data people registered as MEI and, according to studies by Sebrae, the approval rate is approximately 95%. Many individual entrepreneurs stop paying their monthly fees, believing that this way they can cancel their registration without having to formalize their exit.

After all, can I cancel my MEI at any time? In fact, automatic cancellation occurs after a period of 12 months of inactivity, but all outstanding debts relating to the period in which the MEI was active will not be extinguished.

For this reason, it is necessary to formally close the registration. In addition, remember to check all the rights and duties of the MEI, to avoid fines and high interest.

How much does it cost to cancel the MEI?

There is no fee to building professional connections the MEI. But before requesting cancellation, the entrepreneur must pay all outstanding debts related to the DAS (Simples Nacional Collection Document).

If there is any outstanding DAS installment, pay it immediately. If you do not make the payment, the cancellation will be made, but charges will be made in the future and interest will be added.

How to cancel MEI? Step by step

To cancel your MEI, you can do the entire b2b phone list digitally. The request is available on the Federal Government website.

To cancel your Individual Microentrepreneur registration, simply access the MEI Cancellation Request page and follow the steps below. Follow along.

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