Companies are increasingly successfully fac with an accelerat pace of change and a constant ne for innovation . To remain competitive, they ne to create and implement new features and developments quickly and efficiently, both to create new products and services and to improve existing ones.
This means that the volume of development requests increases considerably, which is a challenge at all levels, from the programming team and the CTO to a higher level, in terms of the company and customer relations.
Therefore, it is necessary to find a balance between meeting business nes, managing available resources and delivering high-quality projects . The establish request management methodology and the performance of the CTO and management team in these cases will play a decisive role in whether this peak in requests results in a success story or chaos.
In this article, we tell you how at Digital55 we effectively manage our clients’ requests and multiple projects, addressing strategies to optimize the development process , improve communication and maintain customer satisfaction.
Challenges of managing large corporate clients
Managing any client can present difficulties, but in the case of large corporate clients, it is more common to encounter challenges that can hinder the development of the project in relation to how it was initially plann. The three main reasons are:
- Complexity of requests : Custom and complex projects are request, from bespoke applications to integrations of disparate systems. This requires specializ resources and meticulous planning to ensure project success.
- Pressure for results : In large companies, it is common to have tight deadlines and high quality expectations. Failure to meet these expectations can have a negative impact on the company’s reputation and business relationships.
- Changes in requirements : There is a possibility that, during the development of the project, the requirements may change. This has a serious impact on the planning that was done at the beginning, so it is necessary to show flexibility and also to define limits as to which changes can be carri out and which cannot, thus avoiding delays and additional costs.
How we at Digital55 address high volumes of development requests
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Initial approach and delimitation
The first thing we do with any client or project is planning. Within this, we have several meetings with the client to understand their nes, objectives, technologies to be appli, starting point, etc. When we make the proposal, we delimit the scope of the project (including functionalities, deadlines and budget) and clearly explain the available resources and how possible changes in requirements will be manag.
Planning and allocation of resources
Managing available resources is particularly important. We allocate resources efficiently to projects, not only considering their profiles (experience, skills, etc.), but also very clearly defining the functions of each one.
In cases where full development teams are request to tackle different functions, we usually put special emphasis on the hierarchy and the percentage of dication of each of them. To address this, we analyse the situation and the time and resource capacities and, if necessary, we make a proposal for structuring into blocks, segmenting the profiles into work squads according to the nature of the work.
When we apply this method, we make sure that each block is focus on leading a specific type of tasks and that it has its resources assign from the beginning. However, we always allow for flexibility , in the sense that, if necessary, they can be modifi to adapt to the current circumstances at any given time and offer a better response.
Prioritization and management of requests
It is essential to establish a clear prioritization system to classify development requests bas on their business impact, urgency, and technical complexity.
Projects that have a positive impact on customer satisfaction and retention should be identifi, allocating resources middle east mobile number material strategically. Distinguishing these types of requests will be much easier if value metrics are collect or if the categorization is done by a profile with experience in request management.
A very suitable alternative is for the client to decide what he considers urgent or important and which requests can wait. In any case, if it is not the client who determines this, it is advisable to communicate with him to inform him of the classification and priority of each request. This way, he will be aware and can intervene if he considers that any of the priorities may change.
One of the most common classification systems has four categories bas on priority : low, mium, high and critical. However, this can depend on the project and the client, so it is key that within this prioritization system there is flexibility to adapt to each project.
Definition of service levels
Service levels outline the standards of availability, performance and quality with respect to service requests made in relation to the project. Through them, we define aspects such as the channels through which requests will be manag, the time of receipt of the same and the response times.
In our case, we usually process service requests through a dicat mailbox or a Jira board available 24 hours a day, although uab directory the specific method may vary depending on the client’s nes and what we agree with them for the project.
In order to offer the best service to our clients, we establish response times for questions and requests for information, considering that, if these require research or preparation of the information, we can ask the client for a longer period.
Change and Release Management Plan
Another very useful tool is the establishment of a change and version management plan. This establishes a framework that allows for efficient management of changes, updates and versions throughout the project life cycle.
The key aspects in it are the following:
- Identification and unification of changes : any requir changes or evolutionary requests must be transferr to Digital55 using the specific management tool. This will allow for an overview of the areas where development efforts are requir, as well as serving as a guide for planning time and resources.
Other strategies for effective management of development requests
It is important to clearly define the objectives, scope, deadlines and budget of each project from the beginning. This will allow clear expectations to be set with clients, rucing the possibility of uncertainty from the moment the request is receiv.