How to start using them?

Eliminate ambiguity and provide clear options for your users. When creating a template, within the “Buttons” block, you will email list find new options. WhatsApp Buttons in B2Chat This update is now live on your B2Chat account. Learn more → Redirection to start and automation on buttons We’ve added two new features to the classic custom buttons or quick responses. These are: Redirection: So that customers can be served by a specific department or agent.


To be able to send messages or chinese foreign minister wang yi will be visiting multimedia files when the user responds to the template. By default they are disabled or have the status “None”. How does redirection work? For example, in this template we have two custom buttons. The user could choose between speaking to a specific person or to the support area. Mass message in B2Chat To achieve this configuration in the first button, what you must do is select ‘redirection’ so that the chat is redirected only to the advisor in charge.

While for the second button

You need to set up the redirection to the lack data entire support department and that’s it! Automation settings in WhatsApp How does automation work? If we enable the ‘Automation’ box and select ‘Send message’, we can define the message and the type of content to send. Whether it is text only, text with images. Text with video or even audio. Automatic to start multimedia messages on WhatsApp. An example of how customers would see it in WhatsApp conversations is the following: Example of automation on WhatsApp with B2Chat This update is now live on your B2Chat account.


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