Candidate of Psychological Sciences. Founder of the Institute of Adaptive Intelligence.
We perceive the world through the prism of our beliefs and scenarios bas on values. What we consider important, necessary and correct directly affects our emotions, attitude towards ourselves and life. Values are life guidelines, and our emotional well-being and success depend on how sincere they are.
Let’s imagine a child of five to seven
Years old who grows up in a psychologically healthy atmosphere. Such a child gets pleasure simply from living. He feels like a part of a big and interesting world, and he meets his nes easily and. Naturally, without thinking happiness lies through that he has to be special in some. Way, have a prestigious job, look better than everyone else, or be recogniz. Such a child is self-sufficient, he knows. What is good for him and what is bad, what he likes and what he doesn’t. He will enter adulthood with a sense of self-worth.
Which will become a support, supporting him in all trials, no matter how difficult they may be.
However, most children experience the imposition of various beliefs or guilt in a soft or harsh form, devaluation of feelings and ignoring of their desires. There is a gap between understanding personal nes and the desire to comply with other people’s rules and stereotypes.
Only the awareness of true values
Allows one to regain a sense binance database happiness lies through of integrity and confidence, to find one’s own path and follow it, being in harmony with the world and oneself. For example, the Russian artist Kazimir Malevich, having talent since childhood, did not feel satisfaction from his work for a long time, trying to follow the canons of art accept at that time. Relying on his own values, such as freom of expression in creativity, allow him to make a revolution in painting and become a successful master who receiv recognition during his lifetime.
How understanding values affects different areas of life
Thanks to the value this is just theory anyway happiness lies through orientation, we understand what and why we ne to do to achieve success, we afb directory can freely realize our talents and satisfy our desires. Through understanding ourselves, we build communication with others from a position of self-respect, protecting ourselves from violence and manipulation.