Sophie Calle, guest artist of these days on the object gaze forget Sophie . is first of all the requirement of a scopic device, as in her work Les aveugles : “It was about stopping hiding myself, but at the same time facing people who did not see me.”
It is the obsession of a woman who watches, hidden or silent, those who watch something: the man from Venice at the shop windows, the detective The Man with the Glove by Titian, the inhabitants of Istanbul at the sea for the first time, and perhaps also her father at the works of art.
Beyond forget Sophie this foreground
we see in what she looks at those who are look at, her father by art, the blind by a traumatic scene, visitors to a museum by the kidnapping of an image, women by a break-up letter… And Sophie Calle, by what could she possibly be phone number list look at? Perhaps by a look in this painting by Vermeer The Concert . A painting with which she forms a “passionate bond”: a woman directs the concert, and looks at a man from behind and a woman in profile.
But…Sunday, I also remember a real performer who knew how to provoke bursts of laughter in the room, tirelessly handling the from the restrictions of spam filters emailgrow your Freudian registers of humor, witticism and comy.
When she talks about For the First and Last Time , where she accompanies people to see the sea for the first time, she describes how she had to wait for that moment: “I wasn’t going to ask them to look at the sea ten times to take my photos properly.” Laughter bursts out.
She tells us for Take Care of Yourself
that it is not romantic revenge that drives her, in the interpretation of this sentence, “my project was much more interesting than our relationship,” she says. The “Finally!” that her dying mother utters .
Her name Calle , whose meaning czechia businesses directory cannot escape us when she follows people in the streets of Venice or Paris, can serve as a witticism. Finally, we were her accomplices, listening to her comic story about a man being seen, the man with the Address Book who, in response, publishes nak photos of herself, without knowing that nudity does not affect her since she is a stripper at the time, he is also the detective from whom we learn, without him knowing, that he is being follow.