Director and founder of Financial Technologies – Audit LLC
In business, no matter how much we like what we do, we not only constantly experience positive emotions (joy, delight, etc.). There are times when we experience negative emotions.
I have been in independent business for more than 10 years. And my total practical experience is more than 20 years, of which the first 10 years I worked in the financial sector in a corporate structure. All this time it was necessary to communicate with colleagues, management. There were some rough edges and differences in views. Therefore, it was simply necessary to find compromises, etc.
After finishing my corporate career
Ad up to the present Force for Work Force for Work moment I have my own business. Accordingly, the level of responsibility for me as a business owner, as a manager, has increased many times over.
This is especially due to the fact engineer database that our business requires a colossal level of responsibility from us, namely:
strict adherence to Force for Work Force for Work deadlines established by law or the client,
compliance with all rules, regulations, requirements of regulatory legal acts and other governing documents.
Since the audit and consulting business is very strictly regulated, the level of responsibility, and therefore the likelihood of experiencing negative emotions at some points, increases. The cases when I experience negative emotions at work are not one-off, they happen from time to time. We have emotions, they are different, we must be able to work with them.
How I use negative emotions
Most often, negative Force Force for Work for Work emotions manifest themselves in relationships with employees or beyond the crime of genocide does israel risk being contractors. Let’s say a contractor was given a specific task and a specific deadline for its implementation. During intermediate checkpoints, the afb directory contractor said that everything was going according to plan, everything would be on time and on time, but when the deadline for the delivery of the volume of work approaches, in fact it turns out that.