Don’t compare yourself to other people. Every person is unique. Comparing yourself to someone else is pointless. It’s better to focus on your development and achievements.
Train your communication skills: the more you communicate with people, listen to their opinions, express your own, the faster the process of self-affirmation will go. And this will help you become more confident.
Engage in self-development, expanding your vocabulary, horizons and knowlge base: read books, listen to lectures, participate in trainings and seminars.
Literate speech is the main
sign and weapon of a btc users database confident person who is able to turn the usual order of things upside down and achieve success. If you want to change, it is important to start with it.
Paul McGee “The Mastery of Communication: How to Get Along with Anyone.”
Dmitry Kovpak “Difficult people. How to communicate with them?”
Mark Goulston “I Can Hear You Through and Through”
Gavin Kenny “Everything can be negotiat.”
Expanding Horizons: How to Increase Your Social Capital?
Head of a network of English schoolsCo-founder of the agency for non-fiction authors Publicity Buro
What is social capital?
SC is more than just contacts in a phone book. It is a network of relationships that open doors to new opportunities. In agb directory a following literature nutshell, this key resource can be describ by the old as the world proverb: don’t have a hundr rubles, have a hundr friends. What can be done to increase the number of friends in the thousands? Tens of thousands? By setting a task, every expert or business owner can increase the number hybrid working: a passing fad or here to stay? and quality of social connections built on trust, influence and mutual assistance. These can be both personal following literature and professional contacts, and it is also appropriate to talk about your roles in various social groups. Increasing social capital opens up additional opportunities for personal, financial and career growth.