Education not be enough to start working right away. You are taught general knowledge, but you need to choose your specialization yourself and then develop in it. Because there are many roles among developers: frontend developers, backend developers, fullstack developers, JavaScript developers, etc.
Informal learning occurs through
Online courses, participation in hackathons, studying the source code of open projects, reading specialized literature, etc. For IT specialists, training is a mandatory part not only before employment, but also throughout the entire work. Because the field is constantly changing and requires relevant and modern knowledge for work.
In our company, we conduct weekly training for all employees. Anyone can speak. The main thing is that the topic is useful and relevant for colleagues. In addition, we have a corporate English teacher, as well as paid trips to conferences.
Job search After acquiring the necessary
Knowledge and skills, theĀ next bank database step is to find a job. This could be an internship, practice, or searching for vacancies through specialized platforms and social networks. It is important to have a well-written resume and a portfolio of work with personal projects, academic assignments, or participation in open source projects.
Internship is education may also a plus when you get a job. Especially if you are getting a job at the same place. We regularly take students for an internship in the Aspro team: developers, marketers, managers. And very often they stay to work with us.
Earnings and career growth
Salaries in IT education may can vary greatly depending on the region, specialization, and skill level. Generally, IT specialists have high earning potential and opportunities for career growth. This could be a transition to the business and human cost of conflict at work management positions, specialization in a certain technology area, or a transition to related areas such as product management. Like many companies, at Aspro we reward agb directory outstanding employees with bonuses, an all-expenses-paid trip to a work conference, and we also highlight them on the honor roll.