Tips for end-of-year digital marketing planning

Digital marketing planning The year flew by for many and crept by for others. It’s the maxim that time is relative, making itself present once again in the chronological order of life. But leaving temporal reflections in the background, the fact is that November inaugurated the end-of-year movements, giving way to concerns about festivities and, of course, the announcement of promotions in stores of the most diverse segments.

in the digital scenario

this is no different. Actions to boost sales in gcash database e-commerce and specialized service websites have already begun, and the main basis is digital marketing planning tactics that bring returns in the short term.
Below are some tips to boost your digital strategies at the end of the year:

Personalized and segmented campaigns

As Christmas and New Year’s Eve are the middle east mobile number example main celebrations of this period, it is essential to invest in personalized campaigns with promotions directly related to these celebrations.

It is also interesting to jiangxi mobile phone number list link images and end-of-year banners, in order to encourage purchases with an “emotional connection” that is within the festive atmosphere. One way to do this effectively is to create special remarketing banners for the end of the year, impacting users who have previously visited your store.

 Assertive keywords

It is important to choose products that really have potential to sell at this time of year. Based on the choice of these products, think of assertive keywords that the user could type to find you.

There are some broader campaign options

such as “what to give as a gift”, “Christmas gifts”, “where to buy gifts” that should be used very carefully and always considering whether this strategy is in line with your objective, which should be defined before starting any campaign.

Another interesting strategy is to include

the company name on portals and price comparison sites, so that the brand is within reach of Internet users who are eager to save money.

 Christmas email marketing

This is, without a doubt, one of the most valuable tips. Digital marketing is not only based on strategies to win new customers, but also to retain existing ones and create closer contact between the brand and its consumers.

That is why email marketing is a key player

in end-of-year sales tactics, being one of the best channels to promote promotions, offers, discounts with messages of happy holidays and a happy new year.

Social media engagement

Finally, with the ever-increasing traffic on social media, it is clear that they cannot be left out of your end-of-year strategies. Use Facebook, for example, to make special Christmas posts, posts with shopping tips and promotions, news, links to landing pages, among other content-based actions.
With these digital marketing planning tips , you can capture leads and increase your sales conversion rate during the most profitable period of the year.

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