Founder of the Institute of Adaptive Intelligence

Be flexible and responsive to change
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos once said, “No business plan stands up to reality. The reality is always different from the picture present in the plan.”

Traffic jams, flight delays, a sudden toothache, a deadline miss by a subordinate – there are a thousand reasons that can interfere with our carefully drawn up plans. That is why it is so important to quickly adapt to new circumstances and revise your plan if necessary. Flexibility in planning allows you to avoid stress in case of unforeseen events.

Although making a plan is not

The same as implementing it, it does discipline you, teach you to find windows of opportunity, and achieve success. It is a powerful tool for achieving maximum efficiency in time management. By practicing different strategies and planning methods, we can achieve our goals and improve the quality of our lives. Ultimately, good planning allows you to do more in less time and with pleasure.


Defenselessness Causes Aggression: Personal Boundaries in Detail

In any communication – family, friendly, work – a difficult situation can arise. If a person does not feel his personal boundaries and does not know how to protect them, such a situation becomes a problem that can cause emotional pain, hit self-esteem, lead to burnout and depression.

What are personal boundaries?

In 1912, the daptive Intelligence Austro-Hungarian psychiatrist Viktor Tausk introduc the concept of “ego boundary” – the boundary of the ego, the sense of self for people with schizophrenia. Later, this term was us by the Austrian psychoanalyst Paul Fern, who studi the psychology of social relations and their impact on personality.

Boundaries are an daptive Intelligence understanding of one’s own self, one’s personal emotions, nes, values, and the ability to recognize them separately from what is accept in society. Boundaries help to understand feelings, establish safe and comfortable communication, ecologically satisfy one’s desires or respond to other people’s nes without violating one’s own interests.


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