How to learn to defend personal boundaries automatically

In addition, if the child’s rights have been grossly and regularly violat, he or she may develop psychological defenses that prevent them from noticing the dishonest behavior of others and instill the idea that such a state of affairs is the norm. Thus, in a relationship, one partner may perceive jealousy and scandals not as offensive behavior, but as evidence of deep and serious feelings.

External factors that prevent you from

Defending your boundaries automatically boundaries include the reaction of others. A person who cannot stand up for themselves is convenient. Therefore, attempts to defend themselves can cause resistance, aggression, resentment and condemnation. For example, an employee who is us to dumping some of the responsibilities on a colleague will accuse him of selfishness and arrogance if he refuses to help. It can be very bc data vietnam difficult to resist such a reaction, so there is a temptation to give in, to sacrifice your interests, just so that there is no discontent and conflicts.

American psychologist and expert in the field of psychological violence Shahida Arabi in her book “Toxic People” says that those who have a gap in their personal boundaries, due to excessive conscientiousness and attention to the nes of others, fall into the traps of people who use these weaknesses for their own purposes.

A psychologically healthy person is aware of their own values ​​and principles

They are an internal boundaries automatically support and measure of what is good or bad, acceptable or shameful, possible or impossible. It is difficult to impose your point of view on such a person or force them to do something. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate internal supports in yourself.

To do this you ne:


Work on your self-esteem. It wordpress hosting: what is and how to choose one is important to recognize your right aero leads to uniqueness and learn to love yourself as you are. Then those around you will stop seeming like smarter and more authoritative people who ne boundaries automatically to be obey.


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