Even if they know that the war aims are very difficult

There is also this issue, indeed. Netanyahu! as well as his Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, are playing for their credibility! and their political future in the Gaza Strip. There is also Benny Gantz, a nationalist-secular! opponent who is part of the war cabinet, and who hopes, thanks to it, to establish his credibility.  to achieve at present, they hope at least that the manner of communicating will be useful to them.

In your book “The Failure of a Utopia, a History of the Left in Israel” published by La Découverte, you offer an in-depth analysis of the Israeli left. What state is it in today, and does it have any power of influence in this context of war?

On the left, there are voices for peace, but these voices are not able to influence political life. The massive protest movement against the reform of the judicial system, which lasted 40 weeks, should not be confused with a “peace camp” . These demonstrations brought together all of Israel’s democrats, liberals and secularists. But the rights of the Palestinians were never seriously discussed. The superior right of the Jewish population

over the Palestinians  including those with Israeli citizenship


was not questioned. It is more complex than what one would like to present as a left-right system with a peace camp.

There have always been two lefts in Israel. The one I call colonial or Zionist considers that it is possible to create a state with a Jewish majority and the smallest possible number of non-Jews. This state would qatar phone number library operate on a socialist basis. Workers would have significant rights and would be at the heart of the state’s functioning.

The other left, the anti-colonial left, is not necessarily anti-Zionist. However, it has always believed that one could not be on the left while having as a project an alliance of peoples based on ethnic groups and not on social classes.

Who makes up this anti-colonial left?


It includes Jewish activists like the women in digital marketing: discover who makes the difference members of the Israeli Communist Party, but a good part of its electorate is based on Israeli Arabs. One ao lists of its main leaders, Ayman Odeh, is Arab. The headquarters of this left is in Nazareth, the main Arab city in Israel. We are therefore talking about an Arab-Jewish left that is more Arab than Jewish. Even if there has been in the history of Israel and Palestine a real Jewish Marxist tradition which, from the beginning, considered that the Zionist project could only become a fundamentally colonial and nationalist project, and opposed it.

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