Creating a website is not possible without a technical task . It describes what the project should be like, including the design. It is difficult for a designer to understand from the text how the customer sees the site. Another tool, a mood board, will help to correctly formulate requirements for the visual
What is a mood board
A moodboard is a collection of images that characterize the design of a future project. It consists of ready-made samples that the customer overseas data wants to see on their website: images, photos, illustrations, fonts, styles, color combinations, slogans, buttons, and other elements. They reveal the concept of the Internet resource and help the contractor understand the customer.
A moodboard is a collage. PowerPoint. They find pictures or graphic solutions they like on the Internet and insert them into the document. Sometimes they use a real board designing your customer prospecting plan or Whatman paper with stickers. They place elements that reveal the idea of the project, and not everything in a row.
Fig. 1. An example of a mudbread. The main colors, fonts, and image styles are indicated here.
This is not just a set of random images. But zn business directory a complete composition, subject to one mood. When looking at the moodboard, it should be clear what it is talking about and what audience it is addressing. Simple images are chosen that evoke similar associations in different groups of people. There are no signatures. A short slogan is enough.
Why make a moodboard
Moodboard is used as an alternative to traditional technical specifications or as a supplement to them. Basic knowledge of graphic editors is enough to create it. The tool is available to any computer or smartphone user. The customer determines their preferences and demonstrates them to the designer. The parties communicate in the same language. It is much more difficult to explain the same thing in words.
Making moodboards is not necessary, but it speeds up and simplifies the work. The performer immediately defines the concept and starts implementing it. There is no need to waste time on trial layouts and style development. The designer selects the palette and infographics at a glance.
Moodboard is a universal tool. It is used not only when creating websites , but also in other areas where you need to sketch out a design. For example, apartment interior, event organization, clothing decor, photography