Chief Scientific Adviser Patrick Vallance

Shocking reports: Journalist Lucy Ward last night said there was an “epidemic” of Chief Scientific Adviser women being spiked, with attackers injecting women with drugs in the back or leg. Ward published a message from her daughter, a first-year university student, reporting that six of her friends had been spiked. She says: “The injections thing is the most recent thing they’re now doing … Girls are wearing denim jackets, because the material is harder to pierce.”

A Home Office source tells Playbook: “This is absolutely awful. We have asked overseas data for an update from the police on this and would encourage anyone to report this behaviour to the police.”


NO PLAN B FOR NOW: Boris Johnson, Health Secretary Sajid Javid and the government’s scientific advisers are awaiting today’s coronavirus numbers with increasing concern as the U.K.’s cases, hospitalizations and deaths all now appear to be rising — hong kong data while Britain’s vaccine booster campaign faces fierce criticism. Playbook is told Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty andhave raised the alarm about the numbers in recent days and that internal discussions have once again turned to the possibility of reimposing some of the milder measures this winter. Inside Downing Street however, the mood remains very much against the return of any draconian restrictions. Coronavirus has joyously been off the top of the news for within your campaigns do not deceive or manipulate  months (not that what replaced it was much fun either). Unfortunately, the virus is once again surging up the agenda and leads the BBC News bulletins this morning.

A message from Aviva:

Net Zero by 2040. That’s Aviva’s target. It’s for everything, all three scopes. Including investments, underwriting and supply chain, with tough 2025 and 2030 milestones. It’s the most demanding target of any major insurer. If all financial firms did the same, the impact would be huge. Read more.

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