Digital Marketing

What’s the big deal? This will be the first time the two EU leaders will Digital Marketing host a summit with China’s top leader. Traditionally the counterpart would be China’s second-in-command, Premier Li Keqiang. EU officials, however, have tried to get China to agree to a higher — the highest — level of attendance, given Xi’s political power as well as the proper protocols that they say should be afforded to the bloc.

Beijing’s reaction? “The Chinese president is on Digital Marketing an EU official told China Direct.

Toward 27+1: The two EU leaders will also coordinate a “27+1” summit, which hong kong data will include Xi and all the EU heads of state or government. But few expect this to happen anytime soon, owing to Xi’s reluctance to travel abroad during the pandemic.


Michel also told Xi that the EU will both uphold strategic autonomy and work. With email list allies when it comes to China-related issues. Xi, predictably, praised the EU’s quest for strategic autonomy (and less dependence on the U.S.) while within your campaigns do not deceive or manipulate  cautioning against a new Cold War. And then days later…

TANGO WITH TAIWAN Digital Marketing

EU TOUGHENS TONE: Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, made it clear that the. EU considers Taiwan as a “like-minded partner,” right after Michel implicitly reminded Xi that China remains a “systemic rival” for Europe.

Tuesday’s COVID numbers … for the U.K. give obvious cause for concern. There were 223 deaths reported, up from 181 a week earlier and the highest number since March. New cases remain persistently high on 43,738. Hospitalizations are approaching 1,000 admissions per day. The government has always kept the number of coronavirus deaths per day it was willing to stomach a closely guarded and macabre secret. A source told Playbook yesterday that 250 per day had previously been the top end of what was considered acceptable earlier this year.

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