Now that you know that customers are at different stages and need different approaches to be led to purchase, it’s time to create personalized content to reach them assertively.
As we said at the beginning of this text, digital transformation and changes in consumer behavior have caused marketing to change radically. Today, a new way of winning and maintaining customer loyalty is gaining ground in online strategies: Inbound Marketing.
In this strategy, which is completely different from traditional marketing approaches, it is not the company that goes to the consumer, but the consumer who comes to the company.
By delivering personalized and quality content, the brand gains the consumer’s trust and is seen as synonymous with credibility, which builds a positive relationship between both parties and, in the long term, can result in conversion into sales.
In Inbound Marketing, each piece of content must be produced according to the stages of the sales funnel . After all, a consumer at the top of the funnel should only receive content that is consistent with the stage they are in.
Inbound Marketing in practice
To better explain how the idea of personalized country email list content works in practice, I will use the example of André, a small business owner from the interior of São Paulo.
Imagine that André does not have specific departments for each area of his business and, therefore, ends up performing the role of leader, finance, HR, sales and marketing. As a result, he has an unmotivated team, low sales and high costs due to the wrong hiring.
Despite suffering from all these issues, André doesn’t realize that he needs strategic HR consulting and thinks he has everything under control.
That’s why he finds himself at the top of the sales funnel.
At this point in his purchasing journey, he needs welcome email to a new customer when they content that makes him question why his team is unmotivated, why sales are low, and why costs are unnecessary.
It’s important to remember that, at the top of the funnel, the persona doesn’t know they need to buy something. At this point, they’re just trying to better understand some difficulty in their daily lives – so offering quality content is a great way to grab their attention and start a good relationship between you.
Relationship between client and company?
Relationship Marketing: Create a Positive Relationship saudi phone number Between Your Brand and Your Customers
Have you ever heard the saying that customers are always a company’s best advertisement? Well, it is! Customer loyalty is not easy to acquire, but it is your best weapon against the competition.
Relationship marketing is the branch of marketing that aims to create a relationship of trust between the customer and the company, leading to not only the purchase of your products, but also loyalty to your brand.
Let’s learn more about the strategies that are part of it.
Relationship marketing in practice: invest in email marketing
When a potential customer registers their details on a website or newsletter, they provide valuable information: that they are interested in your brand and the content it provides. This makes them (much!) more likely to become a real consumer of your products.
When used correctly, with personalized content that is relevant to the lead. Email marketing can be very beneficial to strategies. This is because it increases the conversion rate of the sales team. Reduces the cost of customer acquisition, as it makes conversions more assertive.