In our free time from such fix events, we can work on flexible tasks that do not have a strict deadline, but require a lot of time, for example, preparing for a presentation.
Sometimes there are so many things to do that it is almost impossible to do all the work yourself. Don’t be afraid to delegate some tasks to others: subordinates, relatives or friends. Simplify processes and
Get rid of what does not bring real value
“The man who eats a live frog every morning enjoys the rest of the day the feeling that nothing worse can happen to him today,” this statement by Mark Twain gave the name to the Brian Tracy method.
In his book, “Leave Disgust. Eat That Frog!” the author advises doing the most important and unpleasant things in the doctor database morning, and leaving easy, less necessary tasks for the afternoon. This advice is good for people whose productivity is at its peak in the morning. Although this is the majority, there are still exceptions. It is worth listening to the peculiarities of your body and postponing difficult tasks to a time when they can be complet most effectively.
Each person will have their own
Frogs”, and their for breakfast number can be determin independently. It is important not to overload your day with complex tasks and to follow the Pareto rule. Its principle is that with minimal effort you can achieve the most effective result.
British managemen for breakfast t consultant Richard Koch in his book “The 80/20 Principle: Secrets to Achieving More with 15 best seo tools to rank your blog in the first page ess Effort” describes how the Pareto rule works in aero leads different areas of our lives. When we prioritize and focus on completing only a few top-priority tasks, we can achieve up to 80% of the desir result. This rule allows us to make our lives more efficient.