Why it is important to defend your boundaries

In 1974, Serbian artist Marina Abramovic conduct an experiment call “Rhythm 0”, in which she herself was the subject. For six hours, anyone who want could use objects on her, divid into three categories: “Pleasure-giving”, “Pain-giving” and “Deadly dangerous”.

The results of the experiment are astonishing

Despite the fact that many participants chose pleasant and safe objects.

There were many who were inspir by the idea of ​​​​a cruel interaction with a person.

Who is unable to defend himself. Marina’s clothes were cut to shrs, her body and face were cut. One of the participants put a gun in her hand and press her finger to the trigger.

Knowing that the gun could be load. Bas on the results of the experiment.

It was conclud that people do not take responsibility for their cruelty and shift it to someone who cannot stand up for themselves. Defenselessness often causes not sympathy and a desire to help, but aggression.

Protecting boundaries allows you to

Ensure physical and bc data thailand psychological safety, protect your own individuality, and establish a comfortable distance in communication. For example, the parents of an adult with healthy personal boundaries will not come to visit without permission, speak negatively about his appearance and talents, or call several times a day at the most inconvenient times.

What prevents us your boundaries from defending ourselves
The reasons why it is difficult to protect one’s interests can be divid into internal and external. Internal reasons include the inability to clearly define the boundaries of acceptable attitudes towards oneself, insecurity, and the expectation that other people should understand for themselves how they can or cannot behave.


This attitude towards oneself is usually

Form in childhood, if parents your humor marketing 101: funny marketing is serious business
boundaries use harsh aero leads methods of upbringing: they control the child excessively, ignore his nes and desires, instill the idea that he is weak and incapable of anything. As a result, in adulthood, a person believes that he has no right to self-defense, sacrifices himself so as not to offend or anger others, allows his rights to be infring in order not to be left alone.


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