How and who can do this work

there are unresolv issues with the client,
some information is missing,
the necessary information and documentation is simply not request from the client.
As a result, part of the overall project work that I entrust to the contractor is not complet on time. As a manager, I definitely experience negative emotions at this point. I understand that it is useless to teach life lessons, explain something, shake the air to this contractor. Accordingly, I will spend even more of this work my emotions, my strength and will not resolve my issue constructively. For myself, I immiately decide that I will no longer work with this contractor.

Next, I channel the energy into a constructive channel, into the thought process. I don’t continue to stew these negative emotions and intensify them, but start looking for options:

How do we distribute this work

we will pass it on among the team or, perhaps, it is necessary to negotiate with the client about some postponements of the deadlines.
Constructive thoughts this job seekers database work about how to solve this issue immiately begin. Negative emotions help me in this case. They give impetus and strength to solve the issue.

Sometimes such a push from negative emotions leads me to such a solution to the issue, some practical method or technique, that I regard this solution as very effective and use it in my further work on a permanent basis. The advantage of negative emotions in this case is the push to make decisions that are not obvious at first glance, but effective.

It’s better to take a break

Also, when working with afb directory negativity, I have adopt one rule for myself: if I have experienc a negative emotion, for example, after the general consensus is that despite reading a letter I receiv from a counterparty, then I take a break. Because at this work the moment when a person is seething with negative emotions, he may incorrectly interpret the information receiv, may respond sharply or inadequately, etc.


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