When some period passes after

In my field, reputation is the most important thing. So I take a break. This break, depending on the circumstances, can last an hour, or even a day, depending on the depth and complexity of the issue being resolv.

As a rule, the emergence of strong negative emotions, the brain puts aside these very emotions and begins to perceive more logically and more adequately, and most importantly, to react to this receiv information. Thus, the pause taken allows us to cool down and take a step towards a constructive and adequate approach to the current situation.

Periodically experienc negative

Emotions, like any emotions, give us a certain resource, that is, certain strength for action. Of course, when a person constantly uses negative emotions in the background, this, on the contrary, takes away strength from a person. But when negative emotions appear not in a constant background mode, but occur as a reaction to specific events and incoming information, then at a certain moment in the short term, this gives additional strength that can be us for your own benefit, for business development.

So, from my practical point rich people database of view, I work with emotions in two directions:

I use negative period passes emotions as a driving force. It is important not to allow a constant negative background.
When negative emotions arise, I don’t act rashly, but take a break, which helps me get back on track and resolve a difficult issue in the most optimal way, rather than increasing the number of problems.

Internal and period passes external methods to learn how to say no to people

Psychologist on the RBC TV channel, “Govorit-Moskva”

In today’s fast-pac period passes world, where every minute counts, the ability to say “no” is becoming not just a useful skill, but a necessary condition for maintaining personal boundaries and efficiency. The variety afb directory of opportunities and the constant flow of requests can lead to professional burnout and personal degradation if clear priorities are not establish.

Inner work
First of all, you ne to ziad majed: it is very important that leads this battle understand yourself. Often, the difficulty of saying no to someone is due to the fear of being misunderstood, reject, or even socially isolat. Here, it is important to consciously work on your beliefs and self-esteem.



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