We know what we want from

Relationships. We choose partners and friends who are close in spirit, we can calmly defend our boundaries and constructively resolve conflicts.
Health. We know  want from how to take care of ourselves, maintain vitality, and avoid unnecessary self-sacrifice.
Creativity: We can be guid by our own ideas about self-expression, unashamly and with pleasure revealing our potential.

Self-actualization. life and what paths are best suit to achieve our goals.

How to define your values

This can be done through an btc users database analysis of nes, desires and feelings. They fill our activities with deep personal meaning and bring joy, self-esteem and satisfaction. It is important to understand that values ​​are an emotional background and state, but not the possession of specific objects of the material world. For example, a car or a loving partner are not values ​​in themselves, but an expression of such priorities as comfort or a happy relationship.

It is important to want from find the activity that evokes pleasant feelings and move in that direction, even if it seems silly and insignificant to others. The only real indicator is our internal landmark, our own feelings of joy or happiness from what we do.

If you cannot independently

Determine what is close to you, you can take special tests and questionnaires to better understand your attitude to the world, beliefs, hopes and expectations from life. For example, this can be a value questionnaire afb directory compil by want from American psychologist Milton Rokeach or a value questionnaire from Shalom Schwartz, an the general consensus is that despite emeritus professor of psychology at the afb directory Jerusalem University. When attempts to search only cause despondency, uncertainty and a feeling of disorientation, you ne to seek help from a professional want from psychologist. With his help, you will be able to find and eliminate internal conflicts that prevent you from objectively perceiving yourself.


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